Deborah Martin

Medium & Spiritual Healer

Spiritual Healing

Awaken Your Inner Healer

“My heart’s desire is to lovingly touch the essential, the soul, to bring to people’s awareness – in the gentlest possible way – their sensitivity, their creative power, to reawaken trust in life, in our self-healing power.”

– Deborah Martin


1:1 On-Site Healing

Coming Home to Yourself

In the healing session, I offer you the frequency of inner peace, a safe space of complete relaxation and surrender so that your being, all of your cells, can resonate with this higher frequency of unconditional Love. Such a relief! You have arrived, you’re feeling at home within yourself. You feel loved. And most importantly, you recognize your true self: You are Love.

Remote Healing

Love knows no boundaries

Love permeates this world and beyond and travels freely across human-made national borders. Healing energy flows to you wherever you are. Ask, and you shall receive. Your
willingness and openness are enough and enable transformation on all levels. We are energy; therefore,
the healing power of love reaches you even without physical contact, thanks to my focus on your highest divine good.

‟ My session with Deborah set my heart on fire... Deborah really helped me to access the part of me that has always been lead by peace & truth and from a calm and sparky place I knew exactly what to do next, that feeling of ‘a ha’. Thank you so much Deborah, you’re wonderful”

– Rhiannon Okoye, Bacalar, Mexico


Private Reading

Messages from the Spirit World

Experience Soul-to-Soul Communication and evidence of the continuity of Life. We are Consciousness, spiritual beings having a human experience. When we leave our body, our ‘earthly garment’ behind us at the time of physical death, our spirit continues to exist as a sentient being. As a medium, I connect with the Spirit World, the collective field of energy that unites us all, to transmit messages of hope, healing, and love from your loved ones.

Soul Reading w/ Oracle Cards

Reconnect with your purpose

In times of doubt, when you don’t know which way to go, searching for a more meaningful and fulfilling life, a Soul Reading helps you to get back on track, following the path of intuition, fully trusting your heart.
Life has led you here to read these lines to reconnect with your purpose, gain new momentum and motivation to flourish and expand your light.



EMBODIED MEDIUMSHIP SEMINAR from November 11-15 in a beautiful venue in the Swiss Alps. To refine, ground and fully embrace your High Sensitivity as a Dancing Manifestation Power.
Location and course description > here <

The 30-day Embodiment Journey is for Highly Sensitive People, Channels, Mediums, Artists, Dancers, and everyone who wants to GET OUT OF THE HEAD and live an intuitive, heart based life.

You will receive weekly Soul-Readings & Flow-Coachings. The daily Oracle Card Readings allow you a High-Vibe start into your day. You’ll learn easy-to-do at home meditation, movement and relaxation practices for more clarity, energy and flow in your life.

If you feel a full body YES! to walk and dance through these portals to new, healthy habits contact me for further details about your tailor-made journey. 


“My session with Deborah set my heart on fire. I had been navigating some growing pains and feeling a lack of clarity on where to go next. Deborah really helped me to access the part of me that has always been lead by peace & truth and from a calm and sparky place I knew exactly what to do next, that feeling of ‘a ha’. Thank you so much Deborah, you’re wonderful.”

 – Rhiannon Okoye, Bacalar, Mexico

“I really enjoyed your session. I got very good hints how to improve my everyday life. The meditation was deep and relaxed me totally. I’ve had so many things going on and had to resolve issues lately, so this was a good reminder to for me to remember that I deserve all the peace and happiness too! I’m not only a problem solver! The Qigong exercise is very useful to me also. Energetic movement works wonders for me. The cards had important messages and I was happy to realize that I have clarity already, even though everything is not in its place yet. You are a very happy and inspiring workshop facilitator. I like that kind of attitude, that everything is not so serious and that we can be a little crazy! So, it was really enjoyable and fun! Thank you again, Deborah.”

 – Ada, Bacalar, Mexico

“The session was really insightful and Deborah was wonderful both in providing hands-on tools for more embodiment in daily life, while also reframing negative beliefs into empowering mantras. I loved working with her and learning from her wisdom & experience!”

 – Roan Laenen, Bacalar, Mexico

“I highly recommend this sessions, they are integral, magical, deep, loving, empowering. You feel really loved and supported, gentle contained, wisely guided. A generous energy that gives you what you need and that also receives from you what you want to share.”

 – Pamella Violeta, Tulum, Mexico

What People are saying about Deborah Channeling Love


awaken your inner healer

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